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Where is the fashion industry heading?

If you're a fashion enthusiast interested in its history, present, and future, this question must have crossed your mind before;

Where is the world heading in this crazy field?

Fashion is all about change and constant innovation in many different aspects.

It originated with humans and evolved over the years in different forms that aligned with each era. It started with the use of plants to cover the body, followed by animal skins, then the manufacturing of textiles and cotton was born.

fashion then began to to represent status and different social classes.

Ever since the beginning of time the ruling upper classes would use heavy luxurious fabrics and leathers, while slaves would be partially covered with scraps here and there.

Through fashion and its history, we have been able to learn about ancient eras and nations.

From Pharaonic engravings and artifacts, we were able to learn about their lifestyle, status, climate, and industries during that period.

Like other artifacts, fashion is an essential component of the composite picture that shapes the stories of history through the ages.

Let's fast forward from ancient history to the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages that were followed by the Renaissance in Europe. In the Islamic world, starting from the Oghuz tribes to the Ottoman Empire, distinct differences can be observed in clothing details influenced by various factors such as religion, climate, profession, and social class. These details play a crucial role in determining the standards of beauty for each period, some of them change, some disappear and some continues to be passed with every generation up to this day.

Cosmetics and adornment also began to emerge as essential elements of a woman's appearance.

Years ago, garment production did not play a significant role in the world and did not occupy a large space in trade. It rather emerged and developed with humans, meeting their daily needs while representing individuals' status and identity.

In our present day, clothes have become a commercial commodity in which global companies compete, and it has become one of the most polluting unethical industries in the world.

The excessive availability and massive quantities of products and cheap goods in the market have stripped fashion of its essence and moral value.

Shopping has become an obsession for women, a harmful addiction, and clothing is acquired to obtain an Instagram-worthy image, only to be quickly discarded. Items that remain unsold end up in landfills in impoverished countries with no resources or power!

Despite the spread of social media and awareness about the harmful effects of fast fashion, it is no longer a secret what these companies do in terms of violating basic human rights.

Many incidents, such as the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory and its impact on its workers, created a significant outcry and shed light on the dark secrets of a fake perfect world filled with life and colors.

The very low prices we're happy with, are paid on the other side of the world, with workers receiving wages below the minimum and enduring unbearable working conditions, just to afford a meal at the end of the day.

Meanwhile, massive empires are built on the backs of the poor, allowing the wealthy to reap the rewards without any significant effort.

As for us, the consuming audience, we prefer to turn a blind eye despite being fully aware and conscious of the issue. Ignorance and escapism are easier than confrontation and research.

We choose not to care about issues that don't directly affect our immediate surroundings.

But it will definitely reach us one day when it's too late to regret!

And you? Will you make a greater effort next time to seek ethically sourced clothing, or will you choose to ignore it and continue?

Hiba Younis

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